Ask for Angela vs Shout-Up! Tackling Harassment from Different Angles

A recent BBC article questioned the effectiveness of initiatives like Ask for Angela, which has been helping people discreetly exit uncomfortable or unsafe situations for years. While the scheme has proven to be a lifeline, it also raises important questions about how we tackle the root causes of harassment.

That’s where Shout-Up! comes in.

Unlike Ask for Angela, which focuses on immediate intervention, Shout-Up! aims to prevent harassment altogether by challenging the cultural norms that allow it to persist. Together, these initiatives represent two sides of the same coin: one reactive, the other proactive. Both are necessary to create safer environments where everyone feels comfortable, respected and valued.

However, for these initiatives to truly make an impact, it’s crucial they’re implemented properly. Without adequate training, resources, and ongoing support for venue staff, the potential of both schemes can be undermined. The BBC investigation found that more than half* of the venues participating in Ask for Angela failed to respond properly.

In the fast-moving hospitality industry, with large teams and a high turnover of staff, it is difficult to make sure everyone is trained and has the confidence, time and skillset to respond in the right way.

We try to mitigate this with Shout-Up! by giving certified venues long-term support with a dedicated staff member, chances to re-do the training and compulsory annual check-ins to ensure all team members know what Shout-Up! is and what certification means for their venue, and therefore how they respond when incidents occur.

*13 of 25 venues, all in London, failed to respond properly.

What is Ask for Angela?

Ask for Angela is a discreet safety scheme that equips individuals in potentially unsafe social situations with a simple code phrase. By “asking for Angela” at participating venues, someone in distress can signal to staff that they need help—whether that’s finding a safe way to leave or dealing with someone making them feel uncomfortable.

The campaign originated in the UK and has since spread internationally, providing a lifeline in environments like bars, clubs, and restaurants where harassment or unsafe encounters can occur.

Ask for Angela is immediate, intervention-focused, and centred on getting someone out of a risky situation as quickly and quietly as possible.

What is Shout-Up!?

Shout-Up! takes a more preventative and systemic approach to harassment, focusing on changing the culture of venues and public spaces. The programme trains venue staff to spot, prevent, and address harassment while creating a zero-tolerance environment for such behaviour.

Rather than waiting for harassment to escalate, Shout-Up! works proactively. Participating venues commit to promoting inclusivity and safety, setting clear boundaries for acceptable behaviour and ensuring everyone understands that harassment isn’t tolerated.

Shout-Up! doesn’t just address harassment when it happens—it aims to stop it before it starts, changing the norms that allow it to thrive.

Why Are Both Needed?

Harassment is a complex problem that occurs across a spectrum of behaviours and environments. Combating it effectively requires multiple strategies, and this is where Ask for Angela and Shout-Up! complement each other.

  • We have to address harassment in the moment

Ask for Angela shines in situations where someone needs immediate support. It empowers individuals to take action when they feel unsafe, offering a discreet exit or intervention.

However, by the time someone needs to “Ask for Angela,” the harassment has already occurred. This is where Shout-Up! steps in—to prevent those situations from arising in the first place.

  • At the same time we have to shift cultural norms that allow or enable harassment

Ask for Angela responds to individual incidents, but it doesn’t challenge the culture that allows harassment to persist. Shout-Up!, with its focus on zero tolerance and proactive staff training, tackles this issue head-on. It helps venues create safer spaces where everyone can enjoy themselves without worry or fear of harassment.

  • To make progress as well as support people when they need it the most, both are necessary

Together, these initiatives form a comprehensive strategy. Ask for Angela provides an immediate safety net, while Shout-Up! addresses the root causes of harassment, fostering environments where such behaviour becomes unacceptable.

A shared goal of safer spaces for everyone

Both Ask for Angela and Shout-Up! are vital because they address different facets of harassment. One focuses on providing individuals with immediate help, while the other aims to dismantle the broader cultural norms that enable harassment in the first place.

By working together—whether consciously or as part of broader safety efforts—these initiatives create a layered approach to safety and respect, ensuring that everyone can enjoy public spaces without fear.


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